Internet Law

The internet is a ‘wild west’ type of place these days. It seems like anything and everything goes on, and most people chalk it up to “that’s just life on the net.” But for a law firm that knows and understands the intricacies of computers and websites, there’s actually more order than you would think. 

And just like in the non-digital world, if another website is causing you headaches, there may very well be something you can do about it.

Here are some classic examples of the types of things with which we may be able to help:

Internet Defamation Even the most basic forms of defamation have been protected by an obscure federal law called the Communications Decency Act, if the defamation occurred on the Internet. Courts have recently changed their interpretation of this law, giving slandered companies and individuals the legal recourse they deserve to remove such libelous statements from the Internet. If you or your company has been slandered on the Internet, we may be able to put a stop to it.

  • Anonymous Internet Fraud & Unfair Competition
  • Internet False Advertising
  • Domain Law
  • Website Agreements

 Miller Law Firm crafts terms and conditions of use, privacy policies and other key website agreements. We also conduct general Internet law compliance reviews of our clients’ websites and wireless websites.